It does not always go according to how we planned. There are many inconveniences and unexpected things. Time is wasted and effort is wasted, followed by frustration. These things can make one question the whole point of life. Buddha’s answer to all the suffering is to deny oneself, pretty good. Similarly, Jesus simply ask us to give up everything and take up the cross, which technically also means to deny oneself. Yet, there is still the human intuition to strive and to go further, despite the relatively simple advice given by the divine.
In life, we’d always want the best in everything. Hence it is ideal to give our best (though out of laziness we do not always do) and not hold back.. and try to accept the consequences whenever and if ever things don’t go the way we’ve planned. When we want the best we accept the risk, forgoing the thoughts of potential failure and just go with it trying enjoy the moments as much as we can, as best as we can.
It is irrational. That’s the story with most of life.. trying to manage a pointless situation. Why do we exist just to struggle, why to we bother finding meaning in life, why do we bother falling in love? Wouldn’t be easier if we did not attempt such things in the first place.. avoid the inconvenience, the struggle and the pain. Why bother at all.
To rationalise, what is otherwise a meaningless, pointless struggle, we need to weigh the “returns”, that is to see how it is worthwhile.
We must first recall that the best times we all probably ever had probably came from all the “pointless and meaningless” events mentioned above. The last time you one of those laugh which literally left you rolling on the floor, is probably from from something totally irrelevant and pointless or the most meaningful of times are those where you did absolutely nothing but just needed each other to have a good time.
Then there is love, the most irrational thing of them all. Love can cancel out basic logic, practicality and common sense. Someone once said (can’t cite as I don’t know the original author) that love is a form of insanity – which is damn true. When we’re in love, we fail to think rationally. For instance, when guys (can’t comment about girls since I’m not one), chasing a girl, especially a girl who has no interest with you, but you chase anyway cause of whatever reason (usually cause she’s hot).. is one of the most senseless phenomenons in existence. Remember to include the fact of getting ignored, stomped upon, downright rejected and getting treated like shit. But we do it anyway. Why?
Simplest answer is there is no why. There is no because. There is no rationalisation why we bother going through the inconvenience, struggles and pain for something so uncertain as life. We just do it. Take love once again – we usually go through the trouble of falling in love to determine compatibility and sustainability of the relationship, then leading to the creation of life (and bring that poor soul into another vicious cycle called life). Imagine if human beings only existence is based on just that – existence. Then why bother with love and all the trouble, just have “organised sex” and planned conceptions. Why bother with marriage and long-term commitments which cost money, time and emotions. To me, the answer is as how I’ve mentioned earlier, that all good things usually come from something pointless/meaningless anyway – which is also THE point and the meaning itself.
We may not understand why things sometimes happen the way it does.. and it sucks that we become one-sided and ponder only upon the bad stuff which happens in our life (but that’s for the best too, it we took this much effort to ponder the good stuff also we won’t have much time left in life!), but we must remember that life goes on and everything that has happened probably happened for a reason. The best is not to dwell on it for too long (but we should dwell on it for a while, otherwise we might miss the point of the whole unpleasant experience) and accept that it is part and parcel of this irrational part of life (not like we have a choice).
God’s word for us in Proverbs 3:5 (which happens to be my verse of the “season”) makes things simpler for us – “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding“. Don’t try to figure out something which is “unfigureoutable”. It’s just life as how God intended it.